Solo ExhibitionVernissage 12th of December 2024
Documentation by Brian Kure
December 12, 2024 – January 26, 2025
The construction site stands both defined and undefined as a space in people’s memories. A void in the city. A transitory space where something once was and something is in the process of becoming. The field, momentarily reappearing to make way for more buildings, more of the sky being consumed by the next structure, taller than the last.
Here on the construction site, Olivia Rode Hvass lets myths and magic grow in an exploration of culture, humanity, and its place in the world. What happens when myths and magic are brought into the present? When the countryside moves into the city, the past into the future, and construction sites mix with ruins in an investigation of the interplay between urban development and magic.
In the exhibition VOID CHARM, Rum46’s gallery space is temporarily transformed into a total installation, where the mysterious atmosphere of a construction site takes over the room. Here, among puddles and sandy soil, you are invited to explore Rode Hvass’ enchanting universe.
Void Charm, 2024
Total installation made of sand, water, sunflowers, weeds, clay, hay, work-gloves, woven plastic, dried leaves, d-vitamin pills, miniature house, tin foil, wooden masks, cigarettes, trash, street lamps, construction lamps, etc
**clay/hay sculptures inspired by Bannkörbe and the amazing archives of Aladin Borioli.
Special thanks to:
- Rum46’s amazing team of curators and volunteers
- Claus Hvass, for collaboration on construction/installation
- Birgitte Rode, for transport and support
- Hannah Keegan, for assistance with weaving and setup
- Majbritt, contractor at Sydhavnen, for lending sand, fencing, etc.
- Benjamin A. K. Møller / Spanien19C, for lending rubble
- Ulva, for the poster and beautiful text
- Aarhus Kulturudviklingspulje, for generous support
Studsgade 46, 8000 Aarhus C
Opening hours
Wednesday–Friday: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
and by appointment at
Wednesday–Friday: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
and by appointment at
12.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
Byggepladsen står både klart og udefinerbart som et rum i folks hukommelser. Et hulrum i byen. Et transitrum, hvor noget har været og noget er ved at blive til. Marken, der momentært genopstår for at give plads til mere bebyggelse, mere af himlen, der bliver slugt af den næste bygning, højere end den forrige.
Her på byggepladsen lader Olivia Rode Hvass myterne og magien vokse frem i en udforskning af kultur, mennesket og dets plads i verden. Hvad sker der, når man trækker myter og magi ind i samtiden? Lader landet flytte ind i byen, fortiden ind i fremtiden, og blander byggeplads med ruin i en undersøgelse af samspillet mellem byudvikling og magi.
I udstillingen VOID CHARM bliver rum46’s udstillingsrum midlertidigt transformeret til en totalinstallation, hvor byggepladsens mystiske atmosfære ligger sig over rummet. Her, blandt vandpytter og sandjord, inviteres du til at gå på opdagelse i Rode Hvass’ eventyrlige univers.
Stort tak til:
- Rum46's fantastiske hold af kuratorer og frivillige
- Claus Hvass, for opbygning/installeringssamarbejde
- Birgitte Rode for transport og support
- Hannah Keegan, for assistance med vævning og opsætning
- Majbritt, bygherrer på Sydhavnen, for udlån af sand, hegn mv.
- Benjamin A. K. Møller / Spanien19C for lån af murbrokker
- Ulva for plakat og smuk tekst- Aarhus Kulturudviklingspulje for generøs støtte
Studsgade 46, 8000 Aarhus C
Onsdag-fredag: 13:00 - 17:00
Og efter aftale: / Instagram: @rum46studsgade
Onsdag-fredag: 13:00 - 17:00
Lørdag: 13:00 - 16:00
Og efter aftale: / Instagram: @rum46studsgade
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