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Picture by Magnus Hove 



Olivia Rode Hvass, 1995, DK

Masterclass Digital Weaving, Corrie Van Eijk, NL, 2021
BFA, Jutland Art Academy, DK, 2021

2024 Residency at Statens Værksteder For Kunst, Copenhagen, DK

2024 - Sorø Kunstmuseum
2024 - Skovgaard Museet

2023 “Sticks on Fire, Hands in Bloom” Solo Exhibition 00.00 Seoul, South Korea

2023 “SPRING23” Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus, DK Talentprogramme and Group Exhibition, with Benjamin Asger Krog Møller&Asker Bryld Staunæs, Cecilie Penney and Lior Nønne Malue Hansen

2022 “In Captivity but no Longer Dead” Solo exhibition Ladder Space, Copenhagen, DK

2022 “Jeg finder selv ud” Duo exhibition with Anna Walther, Kunsthal Nord, Aalborg, DK

2024 “HESTENS FORTÆLLINGER” Rønnebæksholm, Næstved, DK
Group Exhibition, ith Rasmus Myrup, Kinga Bartis, Agnes Slott-Møller, Hollie Solvild, Ida Sønder Thorhauge, Nina Sten-Knudsen, Olga Larsen(Museum Ovartaci), Sonja Strange, Stella Beling, Sven Dalsgaard og Kultivator

2024  “Eco-Fan” Tranen, Gentofte, DK
Group Exhibition, with Theo Triantafyllidis, Frederik Exner and Ava Samii

2024 “HOT HANDS - Kunsthåndværk i Samtidskunst” Skovgaard Museet, Viborg, DK
Group Exhibition, with Frederik Næblerød, Ihsan Saad Ihsan Tahir, Klara Lilja, Maria Zahle, Anna Fuglsang Houkjær, Anna Stahn and Asger Harbou Gjerdevik

2023 “Skattejagt” Udstillingsstedet Sydhavn St., Copenhagen, DK
Group Exhibition w ith Sofie Burgaard, Olivia Rode Hvass, Truls Mårtensson, Jone Tou, Sigrid Lerche, Mette Bjørndal, Nicolai Risbjerg, and Switch Collective aka. Frida Retz & Didde Borup Larsen, Noah Holtegaard and Tanja Silvestrini

2023 “Sankt Hansine” Queer Solstice Event, ViLeverPaPolsk, Copenhagen, DK
Group Exhibition with  Boris Peianov, Bartek Arobal Kociemba, Kristoffer Hyldig, Karolina Grzywnowicz, Olesia Polyko

2023 “Between Grains of sand(salt)” WilsonSaplana Gallery , Copenhagen, DK Group Exhibition, with Samara Sallam & Kate Sterchi, Ihsan Saad Ihsan Tahir, Hannah Amalie Nielsen, Ida Raselli, and Abul Hisham

2023 “Det Store Springvandsprojekt” Kunsthal 6100, Haderslev, DK Group Exhibition, w ith Benedikte Bjerre, Kaare Frang, Esben Weile Kjær, Mia Edelgart og Sebastian Hedegaard, Jonas Kjeldgaard Sørensen, Marie Munk og Vinyl-terror & horror

2023 “Chatter round the pond” CANTINA, Aarhus, DK
Group Exhibition with ASMA, Frederik Exner and Lars Worm 

2021“Burn The World”
Solo exhibition Arcway Nightlands Connector, Jennifee See Alternate, Amager, DK

“Alter Festival ‘21”
Comissioned work, Alter Festival, Aarhus, DK

“Artsy Party Club” Toldkammergården Helsingør, DK

“Hot, Disparate and All over the place” BA-exhibition from Jutland Art Academy, KH7, Aarhus, DK Group Exhibition, with Bella Leisure Jensen, Kristina Fernos, Lina Brogaard Ottesen, Lisen Larsen, Mikkel Holm Torp, Sally Messel-Dalgård, Sebastian Jensen Mølsted, Serife Kart and Tobias Just.

2021 “Det 21. Foraar” Group exhibitioncurated by Ida Glitre

2021 “Bitch @ KØS” //  “Default Cube” Made by Mathias Riis Andersen and Malthe Stiigsgaard - Digital version of Tapestries and Embroidery  

2020 “Invitation” Art Weekend, Aarhus, DK
2020 “Hey Thief!” Sight specific Group Exhibition Private Farm in Gjern, Jutland, DK

2019 “For Better or for Woof”  5 Malunai, Vilnius, LT
Trio Exhibition with LC and Naja Zethner

2019 “Robo Art” Kunstbygningen Filosoffen, Odense, DK

2019, KP19, Censored Exhibition at Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus, DK


ARTICLES  2024 ArtMatter 
“Hvad er de nye kunstnere optaget af?” af Ole Bak Jakobsen
2024 Munchies Art
“Olivia Rode Hvass: From "Sticks On Fire" To "Burn The World" - Spotlight On A Danish Contemporary Artist” by Dominique Catherina Foertig
2023 Visla Mag  
“Olivia Rode Hvass의 국내 첫 개인전 ‘Sticks on Fire, Hands in Bloom” by Jung-Ah Hwang

2023 IDOART, Danish  
“Et eventyrligt brud med begrænsninger” by Rikke Luna & Matias 
2023 KKArt, Danish 
“Gå på opdagelse i eventyrlige tæppeværker” by Kirse Juul Thomsen
2023, Danish 
“Unge Kunstnerstemmer” by Ole Bak Jakobsen

2024 ursuppe “Szôba x Olivia Rode Hvass”, Szôba Store, Copenhagen, DK
2024 IDOART “Szôba x Olivia Rode Hvass”, Szôba Store, Copenhagen, DK
2024 KubaParis “Eco-Fan”, Tranen, Gentofte, DK
2024 ursuppe “Sticks on Fire, Hands in Bloom”, 00.00, Seoul, SK
2023 IDOART Top 15 most read article in 2023
2023 IDOART “Sticks on Fire, Hands in Bloom”, 00.00, Seoul, SK
2023 KubaParis “Sticks on Fire, Hands in Bloom”, 00.00, Seoul, SK
2023 YYYYMMDD Contemporary “Sticks on Fire, Hands in Bloom” 00.00, Seoul, SK
2023 seek.official “Sticks on Fire, Hands in Bloom”, 00.00, Seoul, SK
2023 oFluxo Art “Chatter Round the pond”, CANTINA, Aarhus, DK
2022 IDOART Top 15 most seen picture series twice in 2022 2022
2022 IDOART “In Captivity but No Longer Dead”, Ladder Space, Copenhagen, DK

2022 xx “In Captivity but No Longer Dead”, Ladder Space, Copenhagen, DK
2022 xx “In Captivity but No Longer Dead”, Ladder Space, Copenhagen, DK
2022 Tzvetnik “I’ll See Myself Out” Duo Exhibition w. Anna Walther, Kunsthal NORD, Aalborg, DK
2022 YYYYMMDD Contemporary “I’ll See Myself Out” Duo Exhibition w. Anna Walther, Kunsthal NORD, Aalborg, DK
2022 KubaParis  “I’ll See Myself Out” Duo Exhibition w. Anna Walther, Kunsthal NORD, Aalborg, DK
2022 oFluxo Art  “I’ll See Myself Out” Duo Exhibition w. Anna Walther, Kunsthal NORD, Aalborg, DK 2021 IDOART “BURN THE WORLD”, Archway Nightlands Connector, Copenhagen, DK

2024 Statens Kunstfond Arbejdslegat
2024 Statens Kunstfond Produktionsstøtte 
2023 Hielmstierne Rosencroneske Stiftelse (Produktion af gobeliner til Rønnebæksholm, 2024)
2023 Marie Jacobine Snedkers Mindefond  (Produktion af gobeliner til Rønnebæksholm, 2024)
2023 Statens Kunstfond Produktionsstøtte (Produktion af gobeliner til Rønnebæksholm, 2024)
2023 Statens Kunstfond Produktionsstøtte (Soloudstilling på 00.00 Seoul i Korea)
2023 Aarhus Kulturudviklingspulje Produktionsstøtte (Værk til SPRING23 Kunsthal Aarhus)
2023 Statens Kunstfond Arbejdslegat
2022 Statens Kunstfond Produktionsstøtte (ifbm udstillingen “Jeg finder selv ud”, Kunsthal NORD)
2021 Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen (Produktion af soloudstilling på Arcway)
2021 Dansk Tennisfond (large stipend, TC2-weaving masterclass, Holland)
2019 Odense Kommune (Produktionsstøtte til TC2-vævning til udstilling på Kunstbygningen Filosoffen)